The Type Of Watch You Should Know Before Choosing It

As women who like watches will certainly choose the AUGUST BERG. Therefore, you must also know the various types of watches so that when you choose to support the appearance will not be confused.

1. Analog watch
This watch is the most common type. The design is standard, which is around or square head and three hands that show hours, minutes, and seconds. Analog watches then experience fairly rapid and significant development, among which is the addition of dates and months and moved by the pulse.

2. Digital watches
Generally, this type of watch is equipped with an LCD screen (Liquid Crystal Display) which shows the time in the form of numbers. The accuracy of this watch is quite high because it directly displays the time in the form of numbers. Strap or rope has a variety of materials ranging from stainless to rubber that offers striking colors.

3. Analog-digital watches
From the name alone we already know that this watch is a combination of digital and analog models. For the timepiece, this watch applies three hands and also a number (numeric). Also, there are several additional features and details to make these accessories look cool and sophisticated.

4. Watches to complement fashion
Before the value of the watch ‘shifted’ to be a complement to fashion, these accessories act as a timepiece. Even before the 1980s, watches were only bought once in a lifetime because they were seen as valuable treasures. Years later, watches began to emerge with unique designs and striking colors. Thus, the watch will not only be purchased once. You can buy a watch many times following the theme of the event, activity, or clothing worn.

5. Quartz watches
The timeliness for this type of watch relies on electronic oscillator technology managed by quartz crystals. With this technology, quartz watches will be more accurate and timely than mechanical watches.

6. Sports watches
The standard size of a watch is small, simple, and simple. It’s just that sports watches are different. This watch has a fairly large body with the addition of basic features and functions. Usually, these watches are selling well among teenagers.

As mentioned earlier, watches today are no longer just a timepiece but also as a complement to fashion and fashion. Of course, this value is based on each individual’s preferences. Some are eyeing watches because of their unique, luxurious, and elegant designs, others are buying watches because they want to take advantage of their features and functions.

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